

Page history last edited by Mike King 12 years, 6 months ago

The Tabula Rasa 


Tabula rasa is a Latin term for blank slate. The epistemological thesis behind this term is that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from experience and perception. Wikipedia states that the "Generally proponents of the tabula rasa thesis favor the "nurture" side of the nature versus nurture debate, when it comes to aspects of one's personality, social and emotional behavior, and intelligence." To coincide with the epistemological thesis of the term we are naming this Wiki Tabula Rasa because this is where we will demonstrate how blank slates can become the New Alexandrian Libraries of the Future.


Tabula Rasa & Personal Learning Environments.pptx  

What Is A Personal Learning Environment.pdf


Podstock 2011 Presentation Link

Co-Creative Collaborative Learning Environments  


It will be our purpose here is to demonstrate how educators can take an open canvas environments and create content through the development of Personal Learning Environments that are directly tied to content standards. Secondly we will demonstrate how to create the integration of Common Core content standards into a thematic unit called a Common Core Unit Development Template. 


The emergence of this philosophy has been created out of the importance of providing students with opportunities to learn a standardized curriculum while creating content within a Web 2.0 environment.  

Introducing The Net Generation 

Grown Up Digital from digitalsandbox on Vimeo.


The primary focus for educators should be on expanding the quantity and quality of ways in which the learner is exposed to content and context.  Educators should design extended learning opportunities in ways that immerse students in content by using various existing technology tools that include wiki’s, blogs, and the development of technology-based interactive lessons. The premise of  expanding educational delivery in ways to include Web 2.0 opportunities is  constructed around the idea that the more children can experience what they are learning and the more teachers immerse students in the learning process the more engaged students will become in interacting, listening, viewing and valuing their education.  

To say that a one size fits all system of education may now be slipping away from the grasp of governmental reform of No Child Left Behind may well be the case. We are now seeing a new movement in education, a silent reform movement that will soon meet its peek when the Net generation begins to surface as societal leaders. This will be the generation that views education from another prospective, a perspective who's ideas are based on skills obtained through collaboration and opportunities to co-create.  


  • Who are our students? What are the demographics, needs, circumstances, life experiences, learning styles, and motivations of this generation of students?
  • In what ways might Net Generation learners differ from previous generations in how they think, learn, interact, and collaborate due to their experience with technology?
  • What are students' expectations for teaching, learning, service, and support?
  • In this transition period, when three or four "generations" may be represented by students, faculty, and staff, is there a set of principles common across these generations that might help guide interaction, planning, and practices?


What Is A Personal Learning Environment?

The New Alexandrian Libraries of the Future

The Personal Learning Environment distinguishes the role of the individual as a self motivated learner who is capable in organizing his or her own learning through facilitation and instructional guidance. The creation of a PLE are based on the idea that learning will take place in co-collaborative networked environments and will not be provided by a single one shoe fits all learning provider. Linked to this is an increasing recognition of the importance of informal learning as the instruction is primarily based on becoming familiar with Web 2.0 applications in creating and remixing of content.  Link to PLE Toolbox (Click Here) Link to Assignment Toolbox (Click Here)



" We are moving away from a world in which some produce and many consume media, toward one in which everyone has a more active stake in the culture that is produced."


The New Alexandrian Libraries of the Future From the Internet’s inception its creators envisioned a universal substrate linking all mankind and its artifacts in a seamless, interconnected web of knowledge. This was the World Wide Web’s great promise: an Alexandrian library of all past and present information and a platform for collaboration to unite communities of all stripes in any conceivable act of creative enterprise.   

As the sun begins to rise on the 21st century, Americans are once again experiencing a profound and rapid shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age and into the Conceptual Age. American schools are experiencing what historians of the future will call the Third Revolution, a transition to a knowledge-based universal substrate of knowledge based linking of the internet to co-collaboration websites of the new Alexandrian libraries of the future. 








The Workplace of the Future  

To secure the workplace of the future, young people will need the skills and knowledge base associated with Web 2.0 shared canvases, where every splash of painted knowledge provides a richer tapestry of in-depth understandings of the world in which they live. To succeed in education reform schools must be broadly driven by forward-thinking educational technology minded visionaries. These visionaries must articulate clear and compelling vision that articulate the optimal characteristics that encourage technology-supported education reform that focuses on preparing students to live, learn, and work in the 21st century.


Think Different from digitalsandbox on Vimeo.




It is true that making this paradigm shift from the industrial age to the information age during a time of uncertainty finds many a scholar not sure just how Literacy 2.0 learning will serve in the improvement of national education. For more than two centuries, schools have used printed paper materials, such as textbooks, to educate students. With the development of Web 2.0 software applicationsparticip atory learning resources are reaching a limitless realm. Schools that are not presently tapping into these resources soon will find themselves left behind in their quest to improve the learning curve. This is not to say that Literacy 2.0 technology, alone, will educate today’s students. Technology is the tape measure in the toolbox that teachers can use to extend student learning opportunities. In order for schools to reach their vision for implementing school-based technology learning programs schools must be empowered to draw the pathways to get from the present to the future.



 Creating Personal Learning Environment PowerPoint Presentation 

Creating Personal Learning Environment Audio Presntation








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